Sailor moon is a Japanese shōjo manga series written and illustrated by Naoko Takeuchi. It was originally serialized in Nakayoshi from 1991 to 1997; the 60 individual chapters were published in 18 tankōbon volumes. The series follows the adventures of a schoolgirl named Usagi Tsukino as she transforms into Sailor Moon to search for a magical artifact, the “Legendary Silver Crystal” (「幻の銀水晶」, Maboroshi no Ginzuishō, lit. “Phantom Silver Crystal”). She leads a group of comrades, the Sailor Soldiers (セーラー戦士, Sērā Senshi) (Sailor Guardians in later editions) as they battle against villains to prevent the theft of the Silver Crystal and the destruction of the Solar System.
I’m sure most girls will have seen sailor moon when they were young and I, as a fan of sailor, enjoyed playing the role of sailor moon. I’d like to introduce you to a few of the outfits below.
1、Sailor Moon Tsukino Usagi Serena Cosplay Costume
- Items include: one-piece dress, neck ribbon, neck bowknot, waist bowknot, gloveX2, tenia, stockingsX2
- Washing tips: please wash the bowknots separately
- Handmade Quality
The uniform is made by professional deviser and tailor with hand-work, only high quality rich fabrics are used.
- Material: High density color ding, spandex swimming cloth, net yarn, high density of PVC foam board, acrylic stone, PU resin
- Color: Orange & Yellow & White
It is extremely hard to find sailor moon costumes for Halloween this year. It took me a lot of time to finally find this costume. This outfit is fantastic. It’s not one of those cheap plastic feeling department store outfits. The fabric is comfortable and can be stretched as needed. Definitely worth the money you spend. Be aware that you should order one size up. Also, the red shoes and socks are basically socks so I bought a pair of cheap red flats for the outside. The overall effect is very nice and well worth the money!
2、 Women’s Sailor Moon Mercury Mizuno Ami Battle Cosplay Costume Dress
- Material:satin, elastic spandex
- Includes: dress ,tiara , neck belt ,2*bowknots, gloves,stockings
- Concealed zipper closure
- Pros: (i) The fabric of this suit is stretchy, soft and comfortable (ii) The shower canopy and glove canopy are soft and form-fitting to keep the suit and gloves in place (iii) The bow is of good quality
- Cons: (i) The leggings are like socks (ii) The tie is too big (or maybe it should be and I don’t like it) (iii) The clothes might as well be wrinkled
Remark: This dress is really good quality and definitely worth the price. The main colour is blue with white and the bow is light blue. The same as the character Ami Mizuno’s. It symbolises purity, honesty, and beauty. I hope you will like this dress!
3、Sailor Chibiusa Chibi Moon Cosplay Costume
- High Quality, Hand-Made.
- Materail: strethcy cotton
- Includes: Sailor dress, Headband, Neckband, Bow*2, Glove*2, Stocking*2(Without wigs, shoes, magic stick)
- unique design: chest bow wearing with a belt + dark buckle
- Easy to remove and wash, mesh shaping, fine workmanship
- The bow is filled with hard yarn and can be shaped
4、 Sailor Moon Minako Aino Venus Cosplay Outfit Uniform Dress
- 7 items: one-piece dress, neck ribbon, neck bowknot, waist bowknot, glove*2 tenia, headwear
- Material: satin, spandex swimwear fabric, grenadine
- Color: Orange&Blue&White
- Washing tips: please wash the bowknots separately
Remark: Minako Aino is a person of confidence, passion, and leadership, and the main colour of her outfit is orange, which just happens to represent passion. So when you wear this outfit you look particularly youthful and energetic.
5、Sailor Moon Kino Makoto Cosplay Costume
- Material: elastic spandex, satin
- Packing list: dress, tie, bow*2, gloves, headband, headdress
- Professional design, fashion, and comfortable.
Remark: This is a lovely outfit in a dark green theme colour that you can wear to parties, comic cons, Halloween themed parties, and more, and if you’re a fan of Kino Makoto, this is an outfit you can’t miss! Wear it and you will feel like you are Kino Makoto.
Go buy the cosplay costume you like the most!